

Jiffy Steamers are the assistants of the world's most famous brands. We are proud that they have put...

Company profile

Residence: Platinum spol. s.r.o. Vinohradská 1252/36 120 00 Praha 2 Czech republic ID: 49245147...

Allergy facts

JIFFY STEAMERS KILL MITE Are you or your children suffering from allergies? A 2003 report from the...

How to steam

How to steam with J series steamers Every drycleaner will tell you that steam is the gentlest and s...

Steaming vs. ironing

     Your clothes are your investment. Therefore, it is necessary to use the gentlest and safest...

Comparison of models

WHY JIFFY STEAMER? We, in jiffy, believe that we know something about steaming, as we invented this...

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